(if there is no EZdrummer folder, then you need to create it) For MacOSX users 2b.Along the path C: \ ProgramData \ Toontrack \ EZdrummer \ completely replace the MIDI folder with the folder from the downloaded image

Download the Drums MIDI Pack giveaway For Windows users:Ģa. It is possible to add all downloaded additional libraries with one click: Create a folder (for example) SDX Library, drop all SDX libraries into it, click Settings – Libraries / Paths – Add Library Path (s) … – and select the SDX Library folder ( this will add all the libraries at once) see the screenshot for an example: How to add midi grooves to Superior Drummer 3? 1.Run SD3, click Settings – Libraries / Paths – Add Library Path (s) … – and select the folder SL- (name libraries).From the list of distributions of SDX libraries, which is presented here, download only the folder with the name SL- (name of the library).After the update, run SD3, click Settings – Libraries / Paths – Add Library Path (s) … – and select the SL-SuperiorDrummer3 folder.Download the Superior Drummer 3 Library Update v1.2.0 and run Sound Updater.exe (Windows) or Sound Updater.app (MacOSX).I recommend downloading the second and fifth parts (parts 3 and 4 contain files for surround sound).Move these files to SL-SuperiorDrummer3 / Sounds / (move only *. obw extension, which are located in the Sounds folders. if you need additional microphones, then download from the rest of the * factory library only files with the *.In addition to an extensive library of raw sound material, Superior Drummer 3 features a unique design, streamlined workflow and many features to create powerful drums on your computer. Superior Drummer 3 is more than just a drum sampler – it’s a bottomless source of creativity.